Governor Cuomo signed a Bill last night to put an end to the harsh treatments of Solitary Confinement that makes up a huge part New York Stat's Prisons.

The HALT Solitary Confinement Act, according to ABC News, "...reforms..." this disciplinary action in New York State Correctional Facilities. The Bill limits the amount of time an inmate can stay segregated. Where most inmates can be placed to stay for years, the bill has shorten that time to a maximum of 15 days. It also determines the amount disciplinary infractions to be taken before executing such punishment as well as exempt populations. It can then be inferred that inmates in maximum facilities would impose "the SHU" while minimum facilities (ie: Greene Correctional Facility) would not impose the disciplinary action at all. Pregnent women and individuals with previous mental illnesses would also be exempt.
Inside the Prisons the term is known as "Solitary Holding Unit" -the SHU. Solitary confinement has been attributed to have effects of mental disorders and behavior fluctuations upon release; which in term creates a cycle for the abused to return. It was part of the leading causes for Kalief Browder to take his own life after his unnecessary incarceration on Riker Island.